Monday, August 3, 2015

Unapologetic Request!

Travelling Boots in Vienna
Travelling Boots in Vienna
Here is one of the biggest reasons I love to travel. I get to live a life; a life where I'm not perpetually watched and judged. Where I don't feel mentally groped and violated for just being me.
I feel pretty, flattered and above all Free!
I don't quiet know how to start this one so I'm gonna go to the basics. We girls in India are constantly told how to dress, how to behave and how to be good girls in the eyes of the society. Why? Here are the lousy excuses I've heard
- This is India baby!
- You know how men here are!
- Why are you inviting trouble?
And when I've tried to reason it, I've been told Indian men are frustrated! Frustrated? Was I just told that Indian men are Frustrated? Really? Seriously? Wait a minute! Aren't we one of the world's largest population? I just heard on the radio that we will beat China by 2020! And we are the exploding population country inspite of the female infanticide. And correct me if I'm wrong, child birth in India is still happening through sex right? So most of my population is screwing my country out of proportion and yet they remain sex starved? Highest rate of prostitution and yet desperate? Most with stashes of pornography and yet depraved? This doesn't add up does it?
I can't put my finger on it so here is my open letter to understand my men better.
Travelling Boots Germany
Somewhere near the Black Forests in Germany 
While I'm in any other part of the world, I feel absolutely normal if I'm eating alone in a restaurant or having a drink alone in a bar. I can go watch a movie alone. I can take all kinds of public transport at any time of day or night. I can wear what I feel like. For some days, just a few, I am me! Unadulterated me! Unapologetic me! And no! I know what your conditioned minds are telling you to think. I am not doing anything, not a single thing to get any attention of any kind. I'm just living my life, eating my food, having a drink, taking a walk, travelling and enjoying my moment in the clothes and attitude I'd like. Period.
My dear Indian men; I was so embarrassed when I met people from across the world asking me if India was safe for women, and I had to hang my head low and answer with a sheepishly low volume "No".
No, it's not like men don't approach me or try to flirt with me seeing me alone in certain places, they do! But you know what the difference is? They don't make me feel bad for looking nice. They don't make me feel threatened if I say no. They don't make me feel like just because I'm looking nice and sitting alone that I'm inviting them. And some truly want a good conversation, that's all! And just because we have had a great conversation for a while, I don't feel obligated in any way.
It is so liberating! Just my simple freedom! Does so much for my self esteem, my confidence.
Travelling Boots in Bratislava

Hey you Indian man; when you find a girl interesting or attractive, why do you make us feel bad for looking good? Why be all creepy? How is our feeling harassed a method of you giving us a complement? Why won't you say something nice in a decent manner and make us smile instead? And if we smile and say thank you, not be pathetic and clichéd and think you "got" us?
It's a vicious circle you see? You all keep making us feel uncomfortable for looking nice, so because of parental or societal pressure we keep wearing more clothes. You molest us and violate us anyhow still, so protective people around us tell us not to go anywhere. And then since you don't see any of us you are stamped as desperate! And girls like us hate you with every breath and are praying to god something horrible happens to you. And the strangest phenomena is that now there are groups of you who do this and think it's cool or funny.
Men are men and women are women all over the world. We all want the same basic things, a good home, someone to love, respect in society and above all to be accepted just the way we are.
Why can't we just remember one basic fact? Before being a man or a woman, we are humans. I mean some of you men like being fashionable and some don't right? Some of you wear shorts cause its hot right? Some of you are friendly and some of you are not. Either ways you are being you right? Or is every breath you take a desperate attempt to get the ladies? Don't you have passions and ambitions of your own? Don't you like to pursue them ? Are you expected to quit being you because of your marital status? What if you were pinched, rubbed against, shoved and violated in ridiculous ways just because you looked attractive to somebody? By somebody you'd hate to be touched by? Against your wish? Or made to start wearing something because it was your fault you got molested?
Can you imagine our world? You expect us to look pretty and not all at the same time? You want us to be weak minded and then cheat on us because we are boring. You make cheap jokes about the sexual harassment policies in the office and yet can't understand that you just need to mend your ways. You won't let your wife dress sexy but will check out every attractive girl hoping she was yours.
Oh I love travelling! To get away from most of you. To just read my book in a bar, eat my food in a restaurant without being stared at, to just lie down in a park and stare at the sky, walk around aimlessly, talk to strangers pointlessly, discover wonderful people and do all of the above Solo! Yes I travel solo across the world, unafraid. And it kills me to confess that everytime I step out of my home, I'm insecure, afraid and avoiding any contact with any of you. My family only worries about my comfort when I travel but when I'm here, at home, they worry all the time about my security.

My hope worthy Indian men; I beg you, no I implore you, please just grow up and be mature in your ways because I'd love to see my country and so does the rest of the world without fears in our heads. Just be the wonderful men you are totally capable of being and live your life and let us live ours. 
Travelling Boots
A peaceful moment - Travelling Boots


  1. You read books in bars ? Typical attention seeker.

    1. She may read books in bars, behind bars, on bars, what's it to you ?! Is that all you got out of this ? Feel sorry for you mate !

    2. That's really sad breezeyparadise....can't expect this comment from anyone even after reading this's her life .....exactly this is what she has written.

    3. That's really sad breezeyparadise....can't expect this comment from anyone even after reading this's her life .....exactly this is what she has written.

    4. That's really sad breezeyparadise....can't expect this comment from anyone even after reading this's her life .....exactly this is what she has written.

    5. That's really sad breezeyparadise....can't expect this comment from anyone even after reading this's her life .....exactly this is what she has written.

  2. Really? What makes you such an expert in making judgements like that ? Do you know what time of the day she goes to a bar ? Beers and a book are a great way of unwinding ..maybe you should try it sometime

  3. U r doing it the righr way....enjoy..wish one day will travell india alone without thinking twice...happy life

    1. Thanks Veena... its not the men but we women who can change societies... just gonna try.. we gotta try right? :) wish you a happy life too :)

  4. Albeit sad but true, loved it !

    1. yayyy you got my back... yayyyy! you a good man!

  5. lovely reading your blog ..I am planning my first solo trip to Eastern Europe next month. Truly inspiring!

  6. Hey Himani,
    Do tell me if I can help anyhow... :) bless u and have a fab trip.. do read the blog on fashion tips for smart travellers :) super handy :)

  7. Hi Smriti, Good to hear your point. Yes, we as a society are changing and will make a change. Thanks

    1. Perfect attitude buddy! Of course we will change... :)

  8. You might be right about most men in India, but why stereotype the entire Indian male population?

    1. Hi Varun, of course there are good men in our country.. This one is definitely not for them.. But our problems must be faced by Us Collectively .. Hai na? When we have an unpleasant experience in a city.. Don't we say that city is unsafe? This is not personal.. It's a request to all to tell all to be nice.. That's all buddy!

  9. Hi , all our fingers are not same n different all together similarly there are Some kind of men which makes us think like this but remember There are Good Souls and Bad Souls present where that doesn't mean that all souls are Bad .Well written n do take care Stay blessed Puneet

  10. I think we can start the change ourself... Sims I wish to explore India too coz I have heard of beautiful valleys and places all across... Just wanna go n enjoy the peace of the natural beauty... Hope that day comes soon... In case u planing something like that take me along :) n this time I ll carry my own wind cheater ;) ... Hope u remember ur blue wind cheater u gave me at d beach :)

    1. it was a wonderful day at the beach darling... see me soon! please please!

  11. Dear Smriti.
    Read the blog, liked it.
    This blog post featured on my fb wall as a share. Well written indeed. I hope and understand that this is a public blog and I can comment on it. Just clarifying at the outset because I don't want to be mistaken for a troller. There are few things which I would like to say and god...I hope I am right coz i don't wanna end up in a cheesy news channel defending myself ;) I can't begin to understand how girls must feel when they teased or molested. Your points are well made.

    I a man, who tries to think healthy and stay courteous to all, very particularly looking for the word `few` at every instance you mentioned `men` in the well written piece. I would been relieved even if you mentioned `most` instead of just stating `men` which seems to imply all Indian men. With the horrific crimes being reported these days and the manner in which they are reported, as unmanly as it may sound, a lot of men are scared. As incredible as it may sound, its true. I want to humbly counter your points (atleast partially) and say that all men are not the same (in this case, Indian men).  This is extremely humiliating for some of us who don't have that predatory mindset. And as a man I can vouch for it when I say that Indian men are changing.

    Now let me come to the part which may irk some. Indian women also have to undergo a huge change in their mindset. There are few more slaps which the mothers should deliver during childhood and adolescence to boys when they see their sons being even remotely disrespectful to women. That will get the message across because despite everything, all Indian men love their moms. At that impressionable age, that message will have an impact. However, that does not happen so often and mostly the mothers are complicit in discriminatory behavior. The atrocities of the infamous Indian mother in law need little mention. The entire Indian society needs to change...unfortunately...the pace at which it is changing is not desirable.

    I know some of us come across as creepy when we approach girls in a bar or a pub. But that's (for many of us) simply because we are not as smooth as we'd like to be. Many of us really want to have just a conversation...and when we are shoooed away....we go away from the glaring, condescending eyes, order a drink and still wish u well. Yeah...some of us are working on that `not look creepy` area too.

    I obviously recommend the rightful punishment for men who commit  crimes. But as a man who tries to think healthy and stay courteous to all, my request to women (especially Indians) is to not judge every Indian guy. I am absolutely unapologetic about the man I am...and I don't meet with fellow men in a hidden lair and say `let plan next week`s lewd comments and gestures`,. So, please do not put me in that category. To an extent, I understand your issue. I have women in my family too...empowered women...empowering women. They have faced such issues too. But I hope you can appreciate my issue as well.

    Be well

  12. Dear Mrinal,

    Let me first thank you for every word you have typed.. clearly shows your passion! And I'm sure you are one of the few good men! :)
    Having said that, I sure didn't mean to make you feel bad! I'm sorry if I did! Truly!
    When I step out of my house.. and feel harassed.. I dont know anyone.. they are just faces in a crowd with one single similarity, being men! I cant differentiate... hence I took the liberty of generalising them as Indian men. So does the world my friend. And the sad part is the bad ones are everywhere :( and more prominent.
    I agree with you.. in all aspects.. please do read my blog Permission.. Oppressions and we the Women. My first ... my very first blog was for the women to change. :) For us to take responsibility of ourselves.
    I hope you never experience the cagey lives we live... its... its not nice buddy! Its overwhelming really how careful we have to be outside and sometimes even inside our houses.
    I do believe we have good men... I'm married to one. I know we all need to make the change ... us the few good men especially! Women and men alike. Its a long road of baby steps and I know things will change!
    I hope you stay passionate forever.. and hey.. on a lighter note... you should write too :) you are wonderful with words!
    Again, I apologise if I hurt you or upset you.. I only meant to stir all of us to stop putting up with it. Did not want to bracket anyone.
    I wish you well too!
    Stay in touch and do keep critiquing my work so I learn.

  13. Look at our conditioning... I'm apologising for my blog named Unapologetic Request!
    It's about time we take ownership Mrinal and stop dusting our hands off thinking.. Thank god it's not me!
    This is US.. OUR society... OUR country. We all are responsible for its repute and our safety and we all are guilty.. Either for doing or for putting up with indecency.
    Let us be responsible citizens and make our country more pleasant... SAFE! For all.
    Do read my many other blogs and my interviews.. Especially in We Are The City.
    Thousands of people have read this.. And not taken personally.. Including my husband and other decent men I know.
    Wishing you the best still!

  14. In 2002, a friend and I had bunked school and were going to watch a first class cricket match happening in our town. While I was engrossed talking about what to expect from which friend...the pillion on the bike we were on, snapped and said something extremely nasty to a girl passing us by. He had also done something physical but because I was driving, I could only know it from the loud cry of the girl. I remember stopping instantly, almost causing an accident, looking at my friend for 5 if he could say something to redeem himself. I remember punching him real hard and leaving him there...30 kms far from his place and coming back. I did not say this to boast of a heroic deed I did because I did not. I had merely reacted. I said this because I saw this happening so close to me. He apparently told my other friends later how I had overreacted and that he was just a kid indulging in a prank. What had really bugged me was that he probably would have done the same had it been my sister on the road instead of that girl. I realized later that, infact, it did not matter if he did the same with my sister or not.

    What I have also seen, couple of years after this, during a major festival in my part of the world, is another friend of mine, getting roughed up badly, hospitalized, for a complete misunderstanding…while the perpetrator got away. If you follow stories in the Indian media (you’re probably blessed not to because of your travel schedule), the urgency of having a villain in every story is eerily overwhelming the need for proof.

    I did not expect an apology from you Smriti. You don’t owe me one. I am glad though that your opinion is not all encompassing and acknowledges the ‘few good men’ out there. I just wanted to say I am not on the wrong side as your post did say Indian men. I can’t and should not speak for the others but I was (mark was) uncomfortable when I saw a “Hey you Indian man” in your post. I almost uttered…”Who me?” and looked behind me. 

    I am not countering you on what you think I am countering you on. Popular media…and even many men seem to suggest all of us Indian men are one unit. We’re not. The pretexts and bizarre explanations used by these clowns is as alien to me as it is to girls. How do I own up to something so alien to me? We need to be better as a society…and yes…men in particular. I am doing my bit. Trying to make it a better place. I should perhaps try harder. And no…it is not by punching people…but I don’t regret that there is a guy who will remember of acute pain in the gut whenever he thinks women wrong.

    Wishing you the best always.

  15. I am a bit surprised! I mean why didn't I feel bad or insulted when I read this blog?

    I am an Indian Man and it's me only whose being talked about rather being questioned here. Righr, Isn't it Smriti?

    Then I must feel bad. Don't I have any Self-Respect?

    Then I thoght of a situation wherein I molested a woman through any possible way.

    Possible ways: All Indian Men know...The irony is even who don't do they are also aware...

    The answer was NO i have never molested a woman. Then why didn't I feel embarrased and humilated after reading this blog?

    Then I took a moment and tried recalling a situation wherein I was just a part of the audience or Indirectly involved when I saw a woman being molested. Did I do anything strongly?

    Do I put the similar effort to save a Woman If I see any woman being molested and that too who doesn't happen to be my Sister/ Mother/Wife/My lady or any one whose known to me ?

    This time the answer was NO.

    Then I realized YES its me only whose being questioned. I am equally responsible for the this pathetic condition of women in India...

    Mrinal just think;

    There are large number of people who don't molest women

    Lesser than them raise voice on crime against women and too when the victim happens to be their loved one

    The smallest number Men Population rape/molest women

    Now, Don't you think if maximum population won't do anything then how will this issue ever be sorted out?

    So Smriti Please don't apologize for showing us the mirror.

    Either Indian Men can simply feel offended by this OR feel responsible...

    Just one request Next time if we something gets changed in India...

    Then please write another blog:

    "Responsible Men"

    All the best...and thanks for writting this

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